The moon is, on average, 238,855 miles away So technically people are saying they love you 477,710 miles (the distance to the moon and back) You think that's a lot, but in terms of a car, it's not really A car gets an average of 12,000 miles a year Saying someone loves you 477,710 miles is like saying someone loves you for 40 yearsAnswer (1 of 8) I think it started in the 50s with the Kramdons They went first Yes, they were fans of love around the moon And seeing how salty sweet and yummy they were as actors, viewers soon also started booking love tours to the moon Presumably, sinceThe words, the voices I can still hear They told me you wouldn't make it But I knew they were wrong I fought for you Loving you more than they'd let me Now, looking back They call you a miracle And although I never believed in miracles
Words to i love you to the moon and back book
Words to i love you to the moon and back book-And I will love you till the stars go black I will love you to the moon and back No matter what life throws, it don't seem so hard With you by my side I always live, I breathe, I laugh And we have got each other in this crazy world As long as we're together nothing everBackground, second color) love you forever SIZE (height x width) 16x32 Choose TWO Colors (usually a lighter color for background) This item is CUSTOMIZED so please choose your COLOR!

I love you to the moon and back May you find joy as the years unfold I love you to the moon and back May you grow wise, and your dreams be bold Book Synopsis The perfect gift for Valentine's Day or to share year around, I Love You to the Moon and Back is a sweet picture book based on the bestselling figurine from one of the most recognized brands in the world Precious Moments Written in rhyming verse, I Love You to the Moon and Back expresses the heartfelt sentiment of a parent and family to a little one 'Love You More' by James Carter "Do I love you to the moon and back?
I Love You to the Moon and Back Written by Amelia Hepworth & illustrated by Tim Warnes Published by Tiger Tales Books Buy on Bookshoporg Buy on Amazon Prices as of Sep 25 Retail $799 Bookshop $679No I love you more than that" You can read the complete poem hereJames Carter will be running poetry sessions at Dorking and Leatherhead Libraries as part of Mole Valley Arts Alive on the 26th September, to find out more or book your ticket click hereSAYING I love you to the moon and back, to infinity and beyond, forever and ever!
I Love You To The Moon and Back, Mother's Day Gift from Baby to Mom, Easy DIY Personalized Handprint Card HolaSunshineDesigns 5 out of 5 stars (239) $300 Bestseller Add to Favorites Quick view Grandma love you to the moon and back, coconut wax candleForever and always, I'll be where you're at From here to the moon and back From here to the moon and back I would blow you a kiss from the star where I sat I would call out your name to echo through the vast Thank heaven for you and to God, tip my hat From here to the moon and back And I'll spend forever just proving that factYou've changed my life I'm so grateful for everything that you've done for me You showed me what true love is You are the most amazing woman I have ever met I love you to the moon and back and even more *** You are perfect I have never thought that I will ever be able to fall in love with someone so carelessly

I Love You To The Moon And Back
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